About Me

My Journey from

Doubt to Six Figures

Join me on a journey from the unlikely beginning to empowering growth, as I share my story of resilience, self-discovery, and the transformative power of Lumos Consulting.

The Unlikely Beginning

Let's rewind to June 13, 1979 – the day my story began. Born into a traditional South Asian family, my arrival as the firstborn girl didn't align with my father's beliefs. Celebration was replaced with a different reality.

Amidst domestic violence, my remarkable mother made a tough choice. She sent me to India, where my extended family embraced me with love and support. My nan, uncle, and aunt became my pillars of strength during those formative years.

Navigating The Storm

Growing up in a single-parent household after my mother broke free from a toxic marriage, financial struggles were a constant presence in our lives. From temporary housing at hostels to renting houses became the norm as we navigated through the challenges that came our way. These experiences fuelled my desire for more in life. I craved financial independence and envisioned a successful, fulfilling future in the business world.

Defying Expectations

Against all odds, I married at 25, only to find myself divorced with my firstborn at 27. In those dark times, my incredible support system of family, friends, and compassionate colleagues helped me find strength. I was determined to shape my own future, refusing to let that moment define me.

Lessons in the Fast Lane

With resilience and determination, I transitioned into the fast-paced world of the financial sector. The demanding nature of the job led to an unbalanced way of living, but it taught me invaluable skills and shaped my understanding of the business world. I made a pivotal decision to shift my career path and use my transferable skills to join the charity sector. It was the best decision I ever made.

Impactful Contributions

Over nearly two decades in the charity sector, I dedicated myself to making a meaningful impact. Along the way, I found deep fulfilment and achieved significant milestones. I played a pivotal role in helping charities grow financially and diversify their portfolios. I had the privilege of coaching, managing, and mentoring individuals, nurturing their growth and guiding them on their own remarkable journeys.

The Power of Love and Business Ventures

The narrative took a turn when I embraced the role of a single mother for 7 years until I met my best friend, who is now my loving husband. Together, we built a beautiful family - a powerhouse of a 6-year-old daughter and a humble, handsome 19-year-old son.

Our journey led us into the world of business. For years, I'd nurtured the idea of owning my own event design company, and seven years later, we launched our first successful event and décor company, which quickly became renowned within the wedding industry.

Throughout my journey, I embarked on a profound self-discovery process, learning about my true self, recognising my self-worth, and finding my voice.

Empowering Growth, Sharing Business Wisdom

At the age of 42, I achieved remarkable growth in my career within the charity sector, leading high-performing teams and spearheading fundraising efforts that yielded an impressive £4 million. This marked a significant milestone, but it also marked a turning point.

I found myself working long hours and feeling burnout, with little time for my family. I struggled to admit that the career I had worked so hard for was not serving me well. I made the life-altering decision to resign without a concrete plan.

After a few months of pause, reflection, and realignment, my personal growth journey ignited a passion within me to share my experience and business knowledge to help others. I undertook my training with The Coaching Academy, and Lumos Consulting was born.

Lumos is a platform where I empower individuals to face their challenges, foster personal growth, and excel in their business endeavours. With tried and tested strategies, I guide them on their transformative path, helping them unleash their true potential in the business world.

Let's embark on this illuminating journey together. It's time to overcome obstacles, embrace your brilliance, and kickstart your entrepreneurial adventure. Light up your path to success. 

Ready To Join Me?

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